Holey Moley is an American sports reality competition television series created for ABC by Chris Culvenor. The series is produced by Eureka Productions and Unanimous Media, with Culvenor, Paul Franklin, Wesley Dening, Stephen Curry, Jeron Smith, Erick Peyton, Charles Wachter, and Michael O’Sullivan serving as executive producers.

The series features contestants competing against each other in a series of head-to-head, sudden-death matchups on a supersized miniature golf obstacle course. Curry stars as the resident golf pro, with play-by-play commentator Joe Tessitore, color commentator Rob Riggle, and sideline correspondent Jeannie Mai. In October 2018, ABC announced they were developing a miniature golf game show. The series was officially announced in April 2019, along with Curry’s involvement. Filming of the series takes place at Sable Ranch in Canyon Country, Santa Clarita, California.

Holey Moley premiered on June 20, 2019, and its first season consisted of 10 episodes. In October 2019, ABC renewed the series for a second season, titled Holey Moley II: The Sequel, and premiered on May 21, 2020.

On February 22, 2021, it was announced that the series was renewed for a third and fourth season. The third season, titled Holey Moley 3D in 2D is set to premiere on June 17, 2021.

Holey Moley All Seasons
Holey Moley Season 3 Watch Online
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Holey Moley Season 4 Watch Online
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Holey Moley Season 3
Holey Moley Holey Moley Season 3 Sports

Holey Moley Season 3 Episode 5 Watch Free Online

Holey Moley Season 3 Episode 5 Description One contestant attempts a comeback after taking a big bounce on Putt-A-Saurus; another competitor makes an impressive near-save while jousting on King Parthur’s Court; Rob Riggle shares more about the legend that is Curry the Kid. Holey Moley All Seasons Holey Moley Season 3 Watch Online Episode 1 […]