The game began with three tribes of eight, and in each, a majority alliance was formed. On Saanapu, Flick and Brooke recruited Sam, Matt, and Conner. On Vavau, Craig, Andrew, Sue, and Jennah-Louise joined forces. And on Aganoa, Evan aligned with Phoebe, Rohan, Lee, and El, but drama from the idol clue twist between him and Rohan would see the alliance turn on Evan. On Day 12, a Fake Double Tribal Council consisting of Vavau and Saanapu occurred; Conner and Nick were voted out, but instead of leaving the game, were switched to the other tribe and they brought Tegan and Sam with them respectively.

On Day 19, with 18 contestants remaining, a Reward Challenge won by Saanapu gave them the power to decide which tribe between Vavau and Saanapu to stay on. After the five remaining Saanapu remembers chose to stay at Saanapu, they then had the power to choose their remaining members. They selected Sam, El, and Lee for their challenge strength as well as Jennah-Louise with the intention of voting her off. The game became one-sided after the swap, as not only did the stronger Saanapu tribe dominate in challenges but Phoebe’s idol plays ousted the two strongest members of Vavau in Rohan and Craig. After a fake Tribal Council spared Kristie, Phoebe’s ally whom she threw under the bus to save herself, Brooke further decimated Vavau by adding Sue to her tribe. Phoebe would be voted out at the next Tribal, and the tribes would merge at 13.

The Saanapu alliance, with the original members of Flick, Brooke, Matt, and Sam at the core and with the help of members from post-swap Saanapu, would vote out the remnants of post-swap Vavau as well as outsiders from Saanapu up until the final 7. At that point, Flick viewed Brooke as too big of a threat and flipped to Lee, El, and Kristie to vote out her best friend. Despite El and Lee’s obvious strong bond, Flick and Kristie did not flip back and voted out Sam and Matt. At that point Flick tried to force a 2-2 tiebreaker but Kristie still would not flip and Flick would go home. Despite not having won a previous individual challenge, Kristie won the Final Immunity Challenge and voted El out. At Final Tribal Council, despite Lee having more control of the game, Kristie’s underdog status and the fruition of her floater strategy resulted in her receiving 8 of the 9 jury votes and becoming the “Sole Survivor”.

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