The 24 contestants were split into two tribes. On Asaga, Luke and his closest ally Jericho were in the minority and unsuccessfully attempted to upset the balance of power in the tribe. On Samatau, A.K. was on the bottom due to his aggressive strategizing, but he was able to seize control by eliminating Aimee, the closest ally of the tribe’s prominent strategist in Locky. Outsiders Tara and Annaliese were sent to Asaga in a fake double elimination, with Ben and Henry taking their place. Luke and Jericho used the opportunity to take control of Asaga, while Samatau went on an immunity run. A second tribe swap sent A.K. & Peter to Asaga and Annaliese & Michelle to Samatau; later, a mutiny twist was offered, and Peter was the only one to accept, sending him back to Samatau.

The merge left Samatau in a 6-5 majority, but the Asaga members convinced the people on the bottom of Samatau to turn against Jarrad and Annaliese, eliminating them both. A new majority composed of Tessa, Michelle, Luke, Peter, Sarah, and Jericho blindsided Henry before Luke caught wind of a plan against Jericho, prompting him to make a move against Tessa. Tara then decided to betray her closest ally Locky due to his status as a threat, but he went on an immunity run that eventually ended with his elimination.

At the Final 4, Jericho won an advantage to remove a member of the jury. He chose Tessa, believing her to be the least likely to vote for him to win, despite her saying that she viewed Tara as the weakest player. Peter was the next intended target, but after he won immunity, he lobbied for Jericho’s elimination. This was foiled after Jericho uncovered the plan and Tara, paranoid after Tessa’s statements, decided to make a big move and force a fire-making challenge between Jericho and Michelle. Jericho ended up winning, and thus Michelle was eliminated. Jericho then won the final immunity challenge and decided to stay true to his new alliance with Tara, voting out Peter.

At the Final Tribal Council, Tara was commended for her strong social game, playing from a minority position and her orchestration of Locky and A.K’s elimination, but chastised for riding Locky’s coattails for far too long, not making enough strategic decisions, and being weak in challenges. Meanwhile, Jericho was congratulated for his very effective method of making alliances and using shields, playing under-the-radar, and winning challenges when he needed to. However he was criticized for his cruelty and hypocrisy, claiming to be a benevolent religious person despite unnecessarily being nasty to Jarrad and Sarah when they were eliminated, riding on Luke’s coattails, and making bad decisions such as removing Tessa from the jury and taking Tara to the end, despite Tessa saying she would be very unlikely to vote for Tara to win. However, Jericho’s strong strategic and physical game was rewarded over Tara’s underdog status, and he was awarded the title of Sole Survivor with six jury votes to Tara’s three.

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