Australian Survivor Season 06 Episode 12 Descriprion At Contenders, Harry and Matt acknowledge that if their tribe loses again one of them will be voted out. Harry has begun looking for an idol again while Ross tries to follow him. Harry is able to give him the slip and finds a clue by the watering […]
Australian Survivor Season 06
The sequel to last season’s theme, 24 contestants were divided into two tribes . 12 Contenders, representing everyday Australians, faced off against the 12 Champions, high achievers in their respective fields. Joining the Champions was Luke from Australian Survivor 2017 as the People’s Champion. Despite having a returning player in their tribe, the Champions struggled in challenges with an initial Sporty Seven leading the tribe, until David, Janine, Luke, and Pia managed to get the alliance to turn on themselves. Meanwhile, the Contenders were a united front with Shaun, a former AFL player, and Daisy as a power duo, with Andy and Harry floating in the middle.
Down 11 to 7, the Champions’ new alliance were split apart in a tribe swap that left allies David and Luke stranded in a Champions tribe with 7 original Contenders. However, with clever idol plays, and the Contenders working to break up Andy’s social game with the women, the duo managed to survive even after a surprise kidnap vote which saw Shaun being stolen from the Contenders by the new Champions tribe. With the physical power shifting to the new Champions, Harry and Janine led opposing alliances which saw Harry’s remaining allies picked off one by one while he saved himself with idols. Before the merge arrived, the two made a truce to blindside the last of the remaining Sporty Seven Champions in Simon, but an injury at the last tribal immunity challenge by Ross saw Tribal Council cancelled for the Contenders.
Ross’s evacuation saw the Champions and Contenders on equal level entering the merge, but the Contenders lost their numbers when the merged tribe, Soli Bula, unanimously decided to take out Andy as an untrustworthy player, with Shaun following due to his status as a physical threat. The women in the Champions’ alliance gathered the Contenders and Simon to blindside David and Luke, but a key immunity win by Luke saw the supermodel be sent to the jury instead of him. As the Contenders’ numbers shrunk, Luke and Abbey started to stray from the Champions and aligned with the last two Contenders, Harry and Baden, to vote Simon to Exile Beach to defeat the last remaining Contender woman, Daisy. After Simon’s return and subsequent permanent elimination, the new alliance turned on a perceived strategic powerhouse in Janine. With the bigger challenge threats eliminated, Luke began an immunity streak which also saw him finding an Send Back advantage, which allowed him to pick any player to send back to camp during Tribal before the vote. He used the advantage to send Baden back to camp in order to turn on Abbey over his closer ally, Pia. However, Luke’s immunity run ended at the final four with the two Contenders and Pia sending him to the jury. With an Australian Survivor record-breaking final immunity challenge lasting over 6 hours and 40 minutes, Baden surprised the jury with an immunity win and sent the wily Harry to the jury instead of Pia.
The final two, Baden and Pia, were both criticized for their subtle social game by the jury. However, Pia managed to point out her contributions to the numerous decisions made by the Champions’ alliance post swap and kidnapping until the merge, which saw louder power players systematically voted out. Baden struggled to assert his agency in his game, rather than the game being played past him. With a unanimous decision of 9 votes by the jury, Pia’s social and strategic game was awarded at the end of the final Tribal Council in Fiji with the grand prize and the title of Sole Survivor.
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Australian Survivor Season 06
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Australian Survivor Season 06 Episode 13 Watch Free Online
Australian Survivor Season 06 Episode 13 Descriprion On Contenders, Ross seems to be genuinely enjoying life on the island and found that Survivor is teaching him what is important in life. Ross states that his strategy for Survivor is like surfing: you be patient, wait for the best wave, and then go get it when […]
Australian Survivor Season 06 Episode 14 Watch Free Online
Australian Survivor Season 06 Episode 14 Descriprion On Day 29, the Champions and Contenders tribes merge into one. Everyone celebrates the achievements that they’ve made in the game and are looking forward to the next stage of the game. The contestants immediately compete in their first reward challenge. Reward challenge: Castaways will stand holding a […]
Australian Survivor Season 06 Episode 15 Watch Free Online
Australian Survivor Season 06 Episode 15 Descriprion On Day 31, the Champions celebrate winning the battle last night as they were able to force the Contenders to get rid of Andy and now they believe they can pick off the Contenders one by one. Some Champions are considering their own personal strategies: David is hoping […]